Welcome to the world of knowing the unknown

Welcome to the world of knowing the unknown



need for success in all areas of life

'Be steadfast in your effort
to achieve the goal set'
goes a phrase well known
which is authenticated by
a famous legend.

A king defeated in war
took inspiration from an ant
that was trying to climb a wall
falling again and again, king watched
every time it started afresh
with the same undaunted spirit
to climb the wall
until it finally conquered.

The king was marvelling at
the great perseverance the tiny creature
was endowed with by the nature
it consoled nay inspired the king
to continue his fight until the win.

Inspirational words by Manohar


Cherished Dream

With every new dawn
when horizon is glazed
with a new rising sun
my cherished dream glows.

Many years have passed
still i could not achieve it
nevertheless it is not shattered
rather it flourishes with time
for introspection nourishes it
and experience makes it
more fascinating and enchanting.

Now i enjoy my life along with it
through the myriad vistas
my cherished dream has opened to me.

Cherished Dream inked on paper by Manohar



Horizon is glazed
with the gold like hue.
Receptive water of the sea
is no less a pirator
for it simulates
the hue from the sun.
Waves of the sea
osculate thy feet
as if they are expressing
a gratitude to thee.

Goa revisited in thoughts by Manohar


Come Home


Come home; come home
For you are destined
to rule yourself first.
How foolish, you succumb to
temporal enjoyment leading you to
overwhelming sorrow and agony.

come home; come home
Every time you go through
the same trauma within you
yet you visualize nothing beyond
for fear and pseudo-enjoyment
keeps you entangled in the torment.

Come home; come home
Fire, fire, see the magnificent bonfire
that keeps burning eternally
enlightening those who descry it
your delusion will run away
while encountered with
infinite fire of knowledge.

Come home: come home
your joy will know no bounds
chariot of perennial bliss will take you
into the world of all happiness
where sorrow is not known
fragrance of enjoyment
overpowers everything.
Come home: come home

Home coming suggested by Manohar


Eternal Search

Search For Rendezvous

Once again
I want to be
what I am eternally
but I cannot reach by efforts
for that is 'One'
and no individual 'I'
which is other than 'That'
can ever enter the 'kingdom'.

'I' is not pure consciousness
for only pure is allowed
to become one with 'That'
that is 'One'.

Once again
I want to be pure
for realising oneness with 'That'.
But how?
mere living with simplicity ?

No, Purity is not a physical thing.
Purity means
dropping of all desires,
not to interfere with nature,
not to have a fighting instinct,
not analysing everything in one's favour.

Purity means
knowing the fact as it is,
without pride and prejudice.

If we look closely
our knowing is through hopes & amp; desires,
through ego and for enhancing ego
how can we purify ourselves ?
Even a grain of desire
either mundane or spiritual
contaminates the purity.

When you are nature itself
how can you be against it ?
everything that is against nature
is not truth,that is false,
your false creation out of ignorance.

Once again
I want to be
what I am eternally
I am caught-up in
the false creation of ignorance,
my identification with body and mind
is so intense
that it stops me to realize
that I am beyond it
my roots are beyond it
but again that is not 'I'
it is pure consciousness that is 'One'.

Once again
I will be
what I am eternally
but then 'I' in me will dissipate.

i will not be the same
the pure consciousness
will take over the kingdom of 'I'.

In fact, i am
what i was eternally
but unaware of it.

Search initiated by Manohar
for the ego-less 'i ' ,out of the 'I am' , full of ego.


Lost Spirit


Where is the spirit in man gone?
It seems man has substituted it
with the pseudo-knowledge
which has occupied a place
above the state of his being

Today man is mad for possessions
this madness of possession has possessed his spirit
he is bent upon accumulating
more knowledge, more materials
for what ?

He does not have time to think
this ostensibly foolish question.

Where is the spirit in man
which recognizes the greatness of a being ?
Perhaps it has been narrowed to
evaluate a being with his accumulations
of wealth, fame and degrees.

Where is the spirit in man
which is always benevolent ?
Has it transformed into
intimidating and making slaves
of his own brethren
through deadly nuclear arsenal ?

Where is the spirit in man
which is always free ?

The spirit in man is still there
but it has lost its freedom.
It seems computer is more than a master
for the weak spirit of man.

Invigorating thoughts encountered by Manohar
Peace of mind

Greetings to everyone on this Monday Morning!!

i read a nice story and would like to share.

Once Buddha was walking from one town to another town with a few of his followers. This was in the initial days. While they were traveling, they happened to pass a lake. They stopped there and Buddha told one of his disciples, "I am thirsty. Do get me some water from that lake there."

The disciple walked up to the lake. When he reached it, he noticed that right at that moment, a bullock cart started crossing through the lake. As a result, the water became very muddy, very turbid. The disciple thought, "How can I give this muddy water to Buddha to drink!"

So he came back and told Buddha, "The water in there is very muddy. I don't think it is fit to drink." After about half an hour, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back to the lake and get him some water to drink. The disciple obediently went back to the lake.

This time too he found that the lake was muddy. He returned and informed Buddha about the same. After sometime, again Buddha asked the same disciple to go back.

The disciple reached the lake to find the lake absolutely clean and clear with pure water in it. The mud had settled down and the water above it looked fit to be had. So he collected some water in a pot and brought it to Buddha.

Buddha looked at the water, and then he looked up at the disciple and said, See what you did to make the water clean. You let it be…. and the mud settled down on its own – and you got clear water.

Your mind is also like that! When it is disturbed, just let it be. Give it a little time. It will settle down on its own. You don’t have to put in any effort to calm it down. It will happen. It is effortless.

What did Buddha emphasize here? He said, "It is effortless." Having 'Peace of Mind' is not a strenuous job; it is an effortless process!

In life everything goes on............. Keep Going and....

make it a great week ahead!!


Love for Life


Why should the love for life
not entangle thee ?
Thee, whose existence is not
but life and life alone.

and you can't subdue
the fact of entanglement
for through this
alone thou exist.

and rather than to struggle
against the mighty current's flow
give up thy tryst
and with the winds
rhythmically blow

thus making up the recondite
and fusing in the bliss
let the ultimate become a light
in thy inwards flight.

musing penned by Sujan Sandhu
God is here

i swear
God was here
just now
peering through our window
utterly amused
with brows raised

He peered
with agony
over countenances pale
with values effete and stale
"Where". He gasped
"the bliss, that with soul
was clasped ?"
And woh! their institutions
estranged constitutions
through which they procreate frustrations
and then importune expiation'

Thus wondering
and a bit amused
He diffused.

observation penned by Sujan Sandhu


Soul power
A Journey within.

The search for the self.
Search for the unlimited which has been limited.

Let us start from today on a path to nowhere.
The journey which is the destination itself.

It is the journey within.
no need to go anywhere
we are the destination
Just the awakening needed here.

To awaken the soul one needs to become oneself. To come home
there is no need to go anywhere. No need to achieve anything for enlightenment.
In fact if something is to be done it is the unlearning.
To leave whatever has been picked up till date.
No need to carry the load of experiences of  life.
The moment the loads are dropped the awakening happens.
Realization happens that i am already at home.